Course Contents


Course Code

Course Name


EMB 101

Introduction to Education

Basic concepts related to education and training; Purposes and functions of education; Relation of education to other fields and sciences; Method in educational sciences; School and classroom as an educational and learning environment; Current developments in teaching profession and teacher education; trends related to education in the twenty-first century.


Philosophy of Education

Fundamental issues and problem areas of philosophy; philosophy of ontology, knowledge and ethics / values; basic philosophical movements (idealism, realism, naturalism, empiricism, rationalism, pragmatism, existentialism, analytic philosophy) and education; educational philosophical movements (perennialism, fundamentalism, progressivism, reconstructionism, existentialist education, critical education, etc.); Educational views of some philosophers (Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, J. Dewey, Ibn-i Sina, Farabi, J. J. Rousseau etc.) in the Islamic world and in the West; individual differences and education; education in terms of some political and economic ideologies; currents of thought which are effective in Turkey; Philosophical foundations of Turkish education system.

AIIT 101

Principles of Atatürk and History of Modern Turkey I

Internal and external reasons for the collapse of the Ottoman Empire; XIX. Innovation movements in the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century; The idea movements in the last period of the Ottoman Empire; XX. At the beginning of the century the political and military situation of the Ottoman Empire; World War I and the Armenian question; Invasion and reactions of Anatolia; Mustafa Kemal Pasha's departure to Samsun and his activities; congress period and organization; the opening of the last Ottoman Parliament and the adoption of the National Pact; Preparation for the National Struggle and the material and moral foundations of this preparation; The opening and activities of the TGNA; Treaty of Sevr; The struggles on the southern and eastern fronts; establishment of a regular army; Greek offensive and wars on the Western front; Signing of the Mudanya Negotiation; Convening the Lausanne Conference and signing the Peace Treaty.

EGK 101

Turkish Language I

Writing language and features; writing and punctuation; characteristics of written and oral expression; paragraph formation and paragraph types (introduction, development, conclusion paragraphs); ways of developing thought (explanation, discussion, narration, description, identification, exemplification, witness demonstration, comparison, etc. practices); text structure (structural features of text, introduction-development-result parts); textual features (cohesion, coherence, purposefulness, acceptability, situationality, informationalism, intertextuality); writing text (drafting, writing, editing and sharing); writing informative-descriptive text; writing narrative text; writing descriptive text; writing controversial and persuasive texts.

EGK 103

Information Technologies

Information technologies and computational thinking; problem solving concepts and approaches; algorithm and flow charts; computer systems; basic concepts about software and hardware; bases of operating systems, current operating systems; file management; utilities (third party software); word processing programs; calculation / table / graphics programs; presentation programs; desktop publishing; database management systems; Web designing; internet use in education; communication and collaboration technologies; safe internet use; information ethics and copyrights; the effects of computer and internet on children / youth.

EGK 105

Foreign Language I

Present tense; simple tense; speaking, reading, writing and listening skills in these tenses; speaking skills (introducing yourself, giving directions, describing something/somewhere, question and answer expressions about personal information); reading skills (at a restaurant, on transportation such as bus/train, shopping)  ; writing skills (texting, poster content, filling out forms), listening skills  (giving directions, describing a place/person, etc.).

TRO 101

Literary Theories I

Basic concepts of the field of literature and the relations between these concepts; the basic features of literary works and the nature of literary language (prose / verse); branches and methods of the science of literature; literary theories, literary movements.

TRO 103

Ottoman Turkish I

Ottoman Turkish, Turkish alphabet with Arabic letters, adjacent and separate letters, rules of Ottoman Turkish, study of reading simple Ottoman texts written in Turkish alphabet with Arabic letters, writing exercises using simple words with Turkish alphabet with Arabic letters.

TRO 105

Turkish Grammar I

Historical development and spreading area of Turkish; Turkish language family; Phonetics of Turkey Turkish; sounds (vowels and consonants), properties of vowels and consonants; sound harmony (vowel harmony, consonant harmony); phoneme (vowel and consonant) changes (consonance, rounding, resemblance, divergence, derivation, falling, voicing, vowelism, convergence, vowel conflict, twinning), fusion consonants, conjunction vowel; syllable; spelling information, Turkish alphabets used throughout history; importance and necessity of spelling; showing sound changes in writing; spelling of syllables, dividing words into syllables at the end of lines; spelling practices.



Course Code

Course Name


EMB 102

Psychology of Education

Basic concepts of psychology and education psychology. Research methods in education psychology. Theories of development, areas of development and development processes. Individual differences in development. Basic concepts related to learning. Factors affecting learning; theories of learning as part of education-learning processes. Motivation in learning process.

EMB 104

Sociology of Education

Basic concepts of sociology: society, social structure, social fact, social event etc.; pioneers of sociology (İbn Khaldun, A. Comte, K. Marx, E. Durkheim, M. Weber etc.) and their views on education; the relationship between the field of education and the major sociological theories (functionalism, structuralism, symbolic interactionism, conflict theory, critical theory, phenomenology, and ethnomethodology); social processes (socialization, social stratification, social mobility etc.) and education; social institutions (family, religion, economy, politics) and education; the development of sociology and educational sociology in Turkey (Ziya Gökalp, İsmail Hakkı Baltacıoğlu, Nurettin Topçu, Mümtaz Turhan etc.); culture and education; school as a social, cultural, and moral system and community.

AIIT 102

Principles of Atatürk and History of Modern Turkey II

Political reforms (abolition of the Sultanate, proclamation of the Republic, abolition of the Caliphate, etc.); revolutions in the social field (hat revolution, closure of dervish lodges and lodges, calendar, time and surname law); reforms in the field of education and culture (Tevhid-i Tedrisat Law, Letters Revolution, Turkish History and Language Revolution); revolutions in the field of law; Attempts and reactions to transition to multi-party life in the period of Atatürk (the establishment and closure of Progressive Republican Firka, Sheikh Sait rebellion and assassination attempt to Atatürk); Attempts to transition to multi-party political life in the period of Atatürk (establishment of the Free Republican Party, closure and the Menemen Incident); Republican period, Turkey's economic resources and policy (İzmir Economic Congress); Turkish foreign policy during the period of Atatürk (Population Exchange, membership of the League of Nations, Balkan Entente and Sadabat Pact); Atatürk era of Turkish foreign policy (Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Straits, Hatay to join the motherland, Turkey's bilateral relations with other countries); Definition, scope and principles of Atatürk's thought system; After Ataturk's Turkey, the ruling Democratic Party in the 1960s and 1970s in Turkey, Turkey's foreign policy after 1960.

EGK 102

Turkish Language II

Characteristics of academic language and writing; using definitions, concepts and terms in academic writings; objective and subjective expression; the structure and types of academic texts (articles, reports and scientific abstracts etc); claiming, writing propositions (verifying an idea, defending or opposing); the formal characteristics of scientific reports and articles; the steps of writing reports; explanation, discussion, establishing relations between texts, showing references (citation and footnotes, bibliography); writing a title, summarization, writing keywords; ethical principles to be observed in scientific writings; academic text writing practices.

EGK 106

Foreign Language II

Past tense; future tense; modals (can, could, may, must, etc.); speaking, reading, writing and listening skills in these tenses and modals; oral skills (asking questions at a restaurant, ordering food, etc.); reading skills (weather forecast on the internet, recipe, banner/poster content, etc.); writing skills (writing a short message, giving written directions, writing an e-mail/invitation, etc.); listening skills (weather forecast, recipe, etc.).

TRO 102

Literary Theories II

The periods, literary societies and art concepts in Turkish literature from the beginning to the present. Literary types in Turkish literature; Formal and structural features of literary genres (verse forms; rhyme, rhyme, redif etc.), literary arts.

TRO 104

Ottoman Turkish II

Language and spelling features of Ottoman Turkish, Arabic and Persian words, types of phrases; Reading studies of Ottoman texts written in Turkish alphabet with Arabic letters, writing exercises in Turkish alphabet with Arabic letters.

TRO 106

Turkish Grammar II

Structural features of Turkish, morphology; word (root, stem, base, suffix), words according to their origin [local word, foreign word; knowledge of origin (etymology)], types of words according to their structures (plain, derived, compound), words according to their types [noun, pre-noun (adjective), verb (verb), adverb (adverb), pronoun (pronoun), conjunction, preposition (preposition) ), exclamation point]; Turkish suffixes (suffixes, inflectional suffixes, verbal suffixes, affixes, affixes); Ways of word derivation in Turkish; word stress; writing rules.

TRO 108

Basic Concepts of Language Education

The main disciplines that form the conceptual field of language education. Basic concepts of language education; Concepts about reading, listening, writing and speaking education; concepts related to text knowledge, vocabulary and grammar. Concepts transferred to language education from fields that are indirectly related to language education (literature, communication, philosophy, sociology, psychology, cognitive sciences, etc.).



Course Code

Course Name


EMB 201

Instructional Technologies

Information technology in education; classification of instruction process and instructional techniques; theoretical approaches to instructional technologies; new trends in learning approaches; current literacy; instructional techniques as tools and materials; design of instructional materials; designing thematic instructional materials; creating subject-specific object repository, instructional material evaluation criteria.

EMB 203

Principles and Methods of Teaching

Basic concepts of teaching principles and methods; teaching-learning principles, models, strategies, methods and techniques; setting goals and objectives in teaching; content selection and regulation in teaching and learning; teaching materials; teaching planning and teaching plans; theories and approaches about teaching; effective school teaching, learning and learning success; assessment of classroom learning.

TRO 201

Child Literature

History of children's literature, children's literature and reading habits / culture in the world and in Turkey; the qualities that children's literature products should have (design, content and educational); types of literary children's literature (poetry, story, novel, etc.), informative-instructive children's literature; children's classics; Contribution of other literary genres (epic, fairy tale, legend) and linguistic tools (rhyme, rhyme, riddle, etc.) to children's development; leveling children's literature products according to age groups; visual media and children (cartoons / cartoons / animation for children); Studies on children's literature.

TRO 203

Approaches of Turkish Language Learning and Teaching

The meaning of learning and teaching Turkish; The aim and basic principles of Turkish teaching; History of Turkish teaching; reflections of learning and teaching approaches to Turkish teaching; Basic skills in teaching Turkish; in-class practice examples; Current trends and problems in Turkish teaching; Components of an effective Turkish teaching; Social, cultural and economic perspective on teaching Turkish.

TRO 205

Turkish Folk Literature I

The nature, concept area, historical process of Turkish Folk Literature; Branches of Folk Literature; Analyzing texts of ancient Turkish epics, tales, legends, folk tales and poems, folk literature texts before and after Islam and selecting the appropriate ones from these texts for primary education.

TRO 207

Modern Turkish Literature I

The factors determining the formation and development of New Turkish Literature; Studies on the main representatives of Turkish literature in the Tanzimat period and their works, determination of the social and cultural effects of the artists who gained importance in the period based on their works. Servet-i Fünun and Fecr-i Âti periods in Turkish literature and social events that shaped the period. Analyzing the products belonging to these periods and showing characteristic features and their evaluation in terms of Turkish education.

TRO 209

Turkish Grammar III

Vocabulary and vocabulary studies; noun (noun), pre-noun (adjective), pronoun (pronoun), adverb (adverb); action (verb); preposition, conjunction, exclamation point; practice studies.

TRO 211

Classical Turkish Literature I

The nature of the Old Turkish Literature, its conceptual field; Basic features of Divan literature, its main genres and important representatives; 15.-16. YY. Analysis studies on selected texts from Turkish Literature. Studies to reveal the understanding of language, social situation and world view of the period.

EMB 225

Micro Teaching

Basic concepts and principles of effective teaching and learning; teachers' professional competence, attitude, role and behavior; preparing a lesson plan; the scope, benefits and limitations of micro teaching method; preparing active learning activities suitable for the subject; sample teaching practices in the classroom; recording lecture presentations on video; evaluation of the course by using the records; Improving the prepared activities and lectures.

EGK 228

Art and Aesthetics

Art, fine arts, craft and culture; art and education; art, creativity and artwork; philosophy of art and aesthetics; art and aesthetic theories; art criticism; art history, art in pre-modern, modern and post-modern periods; art and social context; art and everyday life; Turkish-Islamic art-aesthetics and artworks position of art and craftsman in the process of social change; Development of art in Turkey; today's understanding of art; civilization building and art; art, aesthetics and morality.



Course Code

Course Name


EMB 202

Turkish Education History

The subject, method and sources of Turkish education history; education in the first Turkish states; education in the first Muslim Turkish states; education in Turkey Seljuk and Anatolian principalities; education in the Ottoman Empire: the education system until the first modernization movements; 13-18. Turkish education outside the Ottoman geography in the 16th century; Reform in education until the Tanzimat in the Ottoman Empire movements; establishment of modern education system from Tanzimat to Republic; reorganization of traditional education; 19-20. education in other Turkish states and communities in Eurasia in the 16th century; education during the national struggle period; education in the Republic of Turkey: Turkey foundations of the education system, structure, organization and development; the process of teacher training since its beginning; education in the Turkish world in the 21st century; common objectives, language and alphabet union, common history writing exercises.

EMB 204

Research Methods in Education

Basic concepts and principles related to research methods, research process, general characteristics of data collection tools, analysis and evaluation of data, access to articles, thesis and databases, research models and types, basic paradigms in scientific researches, quantitative and qualitative research designs, data collection, data analysis, validity and reliability in quantitative research, sample in qualitative research, data collection, data analysis, validity and reliability in qualitative research, article or thesis investigation, evaluation and presentation, research report preparation according to research principles and ethics.

TRO 202

Curriculums of Turkish Education

Basic concepts of curriculum; The development of Turkish course curriculums from past to present; the approach, content, and skills that the current Turkish course curriculum aims to develop; learning and sub-learning areas; distribution and limits of achievements according to classes, their relationship with other courses; the relationship between Turkish course curriculum between the levels; the method, technique, equipment and materials used; assessment and evaluation approach; teacher qualifications.

TRO 204

Turkish Folk Literature II

Turkish folk poetry and its basic features, language features of folk poetry, local uses; important representatives and works of folk poetry; educational functions of folk poetry and folk tales, selection of folk poetry samples to be used at the basic education level.

TRO 206

Modern Turkish Literature II

The thought movements in the National Literature period, the analysis of the literary orientations created by these movements, the effects of the National Literature period on the 20th century Turkish literature; Developments in Turkish Literature in the Republican Period until the 50's; Examination of important works in prose, poetry and theater; introducing the important literary figures of these periods with their distinctive features.

TRO 208

Turkish Grammar IV

Sentence knowledge, syntax, general features and principles of Turkey Turkish syntax; phrase phrases; sentence, elements of the sentence, its types, sentence analysis.

TRO 212

Classical Turkish Literature II

Meter in Divan poetry: Basic logic of Aruz measure, Analysis studies to teach the melody of Aruz measure; 17.-18. YY. Analysis studies on selected texts from Turkish Literature.


Profession Elective Course II



General Culture Elective Course II



Field Education Elective Course I




Course Code

Course Name


EMB 301

Classroom Management

Basic concepts related to classroom management. Physical, social and psychological dimensions of classroom management. Classroom rules and discipline in the classroom. Models related to classroom discipline and classroom management. The management of student behaviors in the classroom. Interaction in the classroom and interaction process. Student motivation in the classroom. Time management in the classroom. Teacher as a teaching leader in the classroom. The management of teacher-parent meetings. Creating positive classroom and learning environment. Cases related to classroom management according to school stages.

EMB 303

Morality and Ethics in Education

Concepts and theories related to morals and ethics; ethical principle, code of conduct; professional ethics, teaching profession in terms of social, cultural, moral, ethical aspects; education and learning right; ethical principles in teaching, learning and evaluation process; ethical principles in the relationships with education co-operators (employers/managers, colleagues, parents, professional organizations and society); moral/ethical responsibilities of school/education managers, parents and students; unethical behaviors in professional life; public administration in Turkey; ethical regulations regarding education and teachers; unethical behaviors in the school and education; ethical dilemmas, problems and solutions; morals/ethics education and ethical committees in the school; school principal and teacher as a moral/ethical leader.

EGK 301

Community Service Practices


Society, community service practices and social responsibility concepts; social responsibility projects in terms of social and cultural values; identifying current social problems; preparing projects for the solution of determined social problems; voluntarily participating in individual and group social responsibility projects; participating in social responsibility projects in various institutions and organizations; Participating in scientific events such as panels, conferences, congresses, symposiums as audience, speaker or organizer; Evaluating the results of social responsibility projects.

TRO 301

Listening Education

Basic information about listening education (basic concepts, historical process etc.); physical and mental components of listening; memory and its characteristics (short-term memory, long-term memory; episodic memory, semantic memory and procedural memory); relationship between listening vocabulary and vocabulary; attention; listening defects; listening processes; improving listening skill, recognizing prosodic features (stress, tone, melody, etc.) in speech; listening and watching, making sense of body language features; educational environments for listening skill; listening methods and techniques; measuring and evaluating listening skill; designing listening activities.

TRO 303

Reading Education

Basic information about reading education (basic concepts, historical process etc.); physical and mental elements of reading; memory and its characteristics (short-term memory, long-term memory, episodic memory, semantic memory and procedural memory); relationship between reading vocabulary and vocabulary; attention; reading defects; reading processes; improving reading skills; fluent reading (audible and silent fluent reading techniques); educational environments for reading, reading skills according to text types; reading methods and techniques; measuring and evaluating reading skill; designing reading activities.

TRO 305


Various definitions of language, general knowledge about world languages; A historical view of language studies in the eastern and western tradition until the early 20th century (language studies in the First Age, language studies in the Middle Ages); The emergence of the concept of linguistics in the 20th century; branches of linguistics and their fields of study; Ferdinand De Saussure and the Structuralist theory of linguistics (Geneva School of Linguistics). Linguistics schools that have adopted the constructivist approach; Prague School, French Functionalism (Andre Martinet), Gustave Guillame and Psychomechanics, Copenhagen School and Glosematics, American Structuralism (Franz Boas, Edward Sapir, Leonard Bloomfield, Zellig Sabbetai Harris), Noam Chomsky and Generative Transformational Grammar Theory, Linguistics Origin Language Theories of Knowledge. Associating theories with language teaching at theoretical and practical level.


Profession Elective Course III



General Culture Elective Course III



Field Education Elective Course II




Course Code

Course Name


EMB 302

Measurement and Evaluation in Education

Measuring and evaluation concepts, basic statistical techniques, reliability and validity comparison of measurement, objective analysis and content table, test development, exam types and question writing, written and oral exams, short answer and true-false tests, multiple choice and matching tests, evaluation of student achievement, alternative assessments.

EMB 304

Turkish Education System and School Management

Introduce the education system and school’s organisational features with their different dimensions. Structural organization of central, provincial and foreign divisions of the Ministry of National Education. Basic legislative regulations related to Turkish Education System. The main levels of formal education, namely, the levels of pre-primary, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary and higher education institutions.Theories and processes of organisation and administration and their implications in education. School as a social system. Human resource management in education institutions. Principals' duties related to school management. School-family- society relations. Contemporary issues and trends in education and school administration and management in Turkey.

TRO 302

Writing Education

Basic information about writing education (basic concepts, historical process, etc.), physical and mental processes of writing skill; writing and memory-vocabulary relationship; stages of written expression, expression at sentence / paragraph / text level; establishing textual criteria (coherence, consistency, etc.); text types, written expression (argumentative, persuasive, informative, aesthetic writing, etc.); writing methods and techniques; process-based, planned writing models; teaching punctuation and spelling rules; educational environments for writing skills; measurement and evaluation in writing education; designing writing activities.

TRO 304

Speaking Education

Basic information about speaking education (basic concepts, historical process, etc.), physical and mental components of speech; speech-memory relationship, simultaneous (through sensory memory) and back-time (through episodic memory) thinking; body language and features; producing prosodic features (accent, tone, melody, etc.) in speech; speech types, verbal expression (argumentative / persuasive, informative, aesthetic speech etc.) and conversation; educational environments for speaking skill; speaking methods and techniques; measuring and evaluating speaking skills, designing speaking activities.

TRO 306


Metindilbilimin temel ilke ve kavramları (tümce, önerme, sözce; metin ve metinsellik ölçütleri: üretici/metin ve alıcı merkezli), metin türü, söylem ve metin türü sınıflamaları; metin türlerinin dilsel görünümleri; anlatı söylemi, anlatı metinleri ve dil aktarımı; söz eylem kuramı.


Profession Elective Course IV



General Culture Elective Course IV



Field Education Elective Course III




Course Code

Course Name


EMB 401

School Practicum I

Observing special language teaching methods and skills; micro-teaching, organizing pair and group work, developing and adapting materials, preparing classroom, setting, classroom management, assessment and evaluation and reflection

EMB 403

Special Education and Inclusion

Basic concepts related to special education; principles and historical development of special education; legislative regulations related to special education; diagnosis and evaluation in special education; individualization of teaching; inclusion and supportive special education services; involvement of families in education and collaboration with family; characteristics of various inability and ability groups; education approaches and teaching strategies oriented to different groups; effective strategies and behavior patterns in classroom management.

TRO 401

Teaching Grammar

Basic concepts of grammar; Basic features of Turkish in terms of sound, form, meaning and syntax; the purpose of grammar teaching and grammar teaching; Evaluating grammar teaching models and approaches (Behavioral, Cognitive and Constructivist) in Turkish Language Curriculum; Grammar outcomes in Turkish Language Teaching Program (Grades 1-8); Subjects in grammar teaching (phonology, morphology, semantics) and the order to be followed in teaching; methods and techniques, examples of activities; text-centered grammar teaching applications.

TRO 403

Theatre and Drama Practices

Basic concepts related to the field of theater; animation and animation techniques; improvisation exercises; determinations about the language of the theater; dramaturgy, interpretation and staging; introducing the concept of creative drama and its studies; ways of benefiting from creative drama studies in Turkish education; gamification techniques and Turkish teaching; game concept; psychological foundations of the game and the relationship between game and education.


Profession Elective Course V



General Culture Elective Course V



Field Education Elective Course IV




Course Code

Course Name


EMB 402

School Practicum II

Observing special language teaching methods and skills; micro-teaching, organizing pair and group work, developing and adapting materials, preparing classroom setting, classroom management, assessment and evaluation and reflection.

EMB 404

Guidance at School

The place of guidance and psychological counseling (RPD) services in education; the philosophy, purpose, principles and program of the developmental guidance model (comprehensive developmental RPD program); basic services / interventions; role and function of teachers in classroom guidance; Competencies to be gained in educational, professional, personal and social areas within the scope of RPD services; cooperation between school principal and teachers, and counselor and psychological counselor; preparation and implementation of class RPD plans and programs.

TRO 402

Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language

The place of guidance and psychological counseling (RPD) services in education; the philosophy, purpose, principles and program of the developmental guidance model (comprehensive developmental RPD program); core services / interventions; role and function of teachers in classroom guidance; Competencies to be gained in educational, professional, personal and social fields within the scope of RPD services; cooperation between school administrators and teachers, guidance counselor and psychological counselor; Preparation and implementation of classroom RPD plans and programs.

TRO 404

World Literature

World literature from the first examples to the present, world classics; literary movements; Major writers / poets and works of Western literature (Russian, German, French, English etc.); Major writers / poets and works of Eastern literature (Arab, Persian, Indian etc.); Examination of a selection of world classics in line with contemporary literature analysis approaches.


Profession Elective Course VI



Field Education Elective Course VI